Running the SDP stand-alone

Before running the SDP, your local development environment needs to be set up. This can either be a local Kubernetes instance running in Minikube or by using remote access to a Kubernetes cluster. Details can be found in the requirements section.

In this page, we describe how you can install, test, interact with, and uninstall SDP using helm, kubectl, the SDP CLI, and the itango console.

The ska-sdp-integration repository provides a Makefile, which simplifies some of these steps, including installing, uninstalling the SDP and running integration tests:

Create the namespace for SDP processing

SDP requires two namespaces, one for its control system and another for deploying its processing scripts and their execution engines. If you are using a local environment, you may use the default namespace for the control system, but you will have to create a new namespace to run the processing scripts. Below, when we provide commands for local development, this namespace is assumed to be called sdp. In examples using remote Kubernetes the placeholder is <sdp-namespace>:

$ kubectl create namespace sdp

For remote Kubernetes clusters namespaces may be pre-assigned and, if so, we will show the modifications to allow commands to use such namespaces.

Deploying the SDP

Releases of the SDP Helm chart are published in the SKA artefact repository. To install the released version, you need to add this chart repository to helm:

$ helm repo add ska

If you already have the repository, you can update it, in order to gain access to latest chart versions, using:

$ helm repo update

The chart can be installed with the command (assuming the release name is test):

$ helm install test ska/ska-sdp

Or with non-default namespace names:

$ helm install test ska/ska-sdp -n <namespace> --set helmdeploy.namespace=<sdp-namespace>

You can watch the deployment in progress using kubectl:

$ kubectl get pod -n <namespace> --watch

or the k9s terminal-based UI (recommended):

$ k9s

Wait until all the pods are running:

default      databaseds-tango-base-test-0      ●  1/1          0 Running     m01   119s
default      ska-sdp-console-0                 ●  1/1          0 Running     m01   119s
default      ska-sdp-etcd-0                    ●  1/1          0 Running      m01   119s
default      ska-sdp-helmdeploy-0              ●  1/1          0 Running     m01   119s
default      ska-sdp-lmc-config-6vbtr          ●  0/1          0 Completed     m01   119s
default      ska-sdp-lmc-controller-0          ●  1/1          0 Running      m01   119s
default      ska-sdp-lmc-subarray-01-0         ●  1/1          0 Running     m01   119s
default      ska-sdp-proccontrol-0             ●  1/1          0 Running      m01   119s
default      ska-sdp-script-config-2hpdn       ●  0/1          0 Completed      m01   119s
default      ska-tango-base-tangodb-0          ●  1/1          0 Running      m01   119s

The two pods with config in their name will vanish about 30 seconds after they complete.

You can check the logs of pods to verify that they are doing okay:

$ kubectl logs <pod_name> -n <namespace>

or for a non-default namespace:

$ kubectl logs <pod_name> -n <namespace>

For example:

$ kubectl logs ska-sdp-lmc-subarray-01-0
1|2021-05-25T11:32:53.161Z|INFO|MainThread|init_device||tango-device:test-sdp/subarray/01|SDP Subarray initialising
1|2021-05-25T11:32:53.185Z|INFO|MainThread|init_device||tango-device:test-sdp/subarray/01|SDP Subarray initialised
$ kubectl logs ska-sdp-proccontrol-0
1|2021-05-25T11:32:32.423Z|INFO|MainThread|main_loop|||Connecting to config DB
1|2021-05-25T11:32:32.455Z|INFO|MainThread|main_loop|||Starting main loop
1|2021-05-25T11:32:32.566Z|INFO|MainThread|main_loop|||processing block ids []

If it looks like this, there is a good chance everything has been deployed correctly.

Testing it out

Connecting to the configuration database

The ska-sdp chart deploys a ‘console’ pod which enables you to interact with the configuration database. You can start a shell in the pod by doing:

$ kubectl exec -it ska-sdp-console-0 -n <namespace> -- bash

This will allow you to use the ska-sdp command:

# ska-sdp list -a
Keys with prefix /:

Which shows that the configuration contains the state of the Tango devices and the processing script definitions.

Details about the existing commands of the ska-sdp utility can be found in the CLI to interact with SDP section in the SDP Configuration Library documentation.

Starting a processing script

Next, we can add a processing block to the configuration:

# ska-sdp create pb <script-kind>:<script-name>:<script-version>

For example

# ska-sdp create pb batch:test-dask:0.3.0
Processing block created with pb_id: pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000

The processing block is created with the /pb prefix in the configuration:

# ska-sdp list -v pb
Keys with prefix /pb:
/pb/pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000 = {
  "dependencies": [],
  "eb_id": null,
  "parameters": {},
  "pb_id": "pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000",
  "script": {
    "kind": "batch",
    "name": "test-dask",
    "version": "0.3.0"
/pb/pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000/owner = {
  "command": [
  "hostname": "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-script--1-qqvgw",
  "pid": 1
/pb/pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000/state = {
  "deployments": {
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1": "RUNNING",
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2": "RUNNING"
  "last_updated": "2022-10-11 08:20:34",
  "resources_available": true,
  "status": "RUNNING"

The processing block is detected by the processing controller which deploys the script. The script in turn deploys the execution engines (in this case, Dask). The deployments are requested by creating entries with /deploy prefix in the configuration database, where they are detected by the Helm deployer which actually makes the deployments:

# ska-sdp list -v deployment
Keys with prefix /deploy:
/deploy/proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1 = {
  "args": {
    "chart": "dask",
    "values": {
      "image": "",
      "worker.replicas": 2
  "dpl_id": "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1",
  "kind": "helm"
/deploy/proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1/state = {
  "pods": {
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1-scheduler-7d6f5f9749-vr6dw": "Running",
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1-worker-5744899988-hmr5q": "Running",
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1-worker-5744899988-sqnf6": "Running"
/deploy/proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2 = {
  "args": {
    "chart": "dask",
    "values": {
      "image": "",
      "worker.replicas": 2
  "dpl_id": "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2",
  "kind": "helm"
/deploy/proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2/state = {
  "pods": {
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2-scheduler-65cc58cf4f-8bm9r": "Running",
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2-worker-79694dbf85-j7nfb": "Running",
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2-worker-79694dbf85-njw6c": "Running"
/deploy/proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-script = {
  "args": {
    "chart": "script",
    "values": {
      "env": [
          "name": "SDP_CONFIG_HOST",
          "value": "ska-sdp-etcd-client.dp-orca"
          "name": "SDP_HELM_NAMESPACE",
          "value": "dp-orca-p"
          "name": "SDP_PB_ID",
          "value": "pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000"
      "image": ""
  "dpl_id": "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-script",
  "kind": "helm"
/deploy/proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-script/state = {
  "pods": {
    "proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-script--1-r4p9c": "Running"

The deployments associated with the processing block have been created in the sdp namespace. You can list the running pods using kubectl on the host (exit the console pod):

$ kubectl get pod -n <sdp-namespace>
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1-scheduler-7d6f5f9749-vr6dw   1/1     Running     0          9s
proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1-worker-5744899988-hmr5q      1/1     Running     0          9s
proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-1-worker-5744899988-sqnf6      1/1     Running     0          9s
proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2-scheduler-65cc58cf4f-8bm9r   1/1     Running     0          10s
proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2-worker-79694dbf85-j7nfb      1/1     Running     0          10s
proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-dask-2-worker-79694dbf85-njw6c      1/1     Running     0          10s
proc-pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000-script--1-r4p9c                     1/1     Running     0          14s

Cleaning up

Finally, let us remove the processing block from the configuration (in the SDP console shell):

# ska-sdp delete pb pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000
Deleted above keys with prefix /pb/pb-sdpcli-20221011-00000.

If you re-run the commands from the last section you will notice that this correctly causes all changes to the cluster configuration to be undone as well.

Accessing the Tango interface

By default, the ska-sdp chart does not deploy the iTango shell pod from the ska-tango-base chart. To enable it, you can upgrade the release with:

$ helm upgrade test ska/ska-sdp --set ska-tango-base.itango.enabled=true

This command will need to be modified for non-default namespaces:

$ helm upgrade test ska/ska-sdp -n <namespace> --set helmdeploy.namespace=<sdp-namespace>,ska-tango-base.itango.enabled=true

Then you can start an iTango session with:

$ kubectl exec -it ska-tango-base-itango-console -n <namespace> -- itango3

You should be able to list the Tango devices:

In [1]: lsdev
Device                                   Alias                     Server                    Class
---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------
test-sdp/control/0                                                 SDPController/0           SDPController
test-sdp/subarray/01                                               SDPSubarray/01            SDPSubarray
sys/access_control/1                                               TangoAccessControl/1      TangoAccessControl
sys/database/2                                                     DataBaseds/2              DataBase
sys/rest/0                                                         TangoRestServer/rest      TangoRestServer
sys/tg_test/1                                                      TangoTest/test            TangoTest

This interface allows direct interaction with the devices, such as querying and changing attributes and issuing Tango commands to control SDP processing.

In [2]: d = DeviceProxy('test-sdp/subarray/01')

In [3]: d.state()
Out[3]: tango._tango.DevState.OFF

In [4]: d.On()

In [5]: d.state()
Out[5]: tango._tango.DevState.ON

In [6]: d.obsState
Out[6]: <obsState.EMPTY: 0>

To start processing on SDP, you will need a configuration string, which provides the set up, the request for resources, and the request of what processing script to run. You can find an example string in the Tango Jupyter notebook (the configuration string can be found here, we recommend that you copy it from the display-version of the notebook and not the raw file).

Save the copied configuration string (which is provided as JSON in the example notebook) as a python string. Make sure you update the execution block and processing block IDs (if you run this multiple times, you will need to increment the number at the end):

import json
EXECUTION_BLOCK_ID = f"eb-test-20221012-00001"
PROCESSING_BLOCK_ID_REALTIME = f"pb-testrealtime-20221012-00001"
PROCESSING_BLOCK_ID_BATCH = f"pb-testbatch-20221012-00001"

config = json.dumps(<copied-json-string>)

In addition more details about the SDP Subarray Tango commands and examples of valid control strings can be found in the Subarray section of SDP LMC.

The Telescope Model library provides detailed explanation of configurations strings for each SDP command.

Below, we provide the steps from assigning resources to the processing, through configure and scan, to releasing the resources and ending the process.

In [8}: d.AssignResources(config)

In [9]: d.obsState
Out[9]: <obsState.IDLE: 0>

In [10]: d.Configure('{"interface": "", "scan_type": "target:a"}')

In [11]: d.obsState
Out[11]: <obsState.READY: 2>

In [12]: d.Scan('{"interface": "", "scan_id": 1}')

In [13]: d.obsState
Out[13]: <obsState.SCANNING: 3>

In [14]: d.EndScan()

In [15]: d.obsState
Out[15]: <obsState.READY: 2>

In [16]: d.End()

In [17]: d.obsState
Out[17]: <obsState.IDLE: 0>

In [18]: d.ReleaseResources('{ "interface": "", '
               '"resources": {"receptors": ["SKA001", "SKA002", "SKA003", "SKA004"]}}')

In [19]: d.obsState
Out[19]: <obsState.EMPTY: 0>

In [20]: d.Off()

In [21]: d.state()
Out[21]: tango._tango.DevState.OFF

ReleaseResources takes the list of resources (“receptors”) to be released. If you want to release all of them at once, you may use d.ReleaseAllResources().

Accessing the Taranta dashboard

By default, the ska-sdp chart does not deploy the Taranta dashboard. To enable it, you can upgrade the deployment with:

$ helm upgrade test ska/ska-sdp --set ska-tango-taranta.enabled=true --set ska-tango-tangogql.enabled=true

After the upgrade you should be able to access the Taranta dashboard in the namespace it was deployed at this URL:


Removing the SDP

To remove the SDP deployment from the cluster, do:

$ helm uninstall test