Automated testing

The SDP stand-alone deployment is automatically tested in multiple different environments, and the tests are executed as part of GitLab CI/CD jobs.

At the moment, there are three persistent deployments of SDP, running in three different namespaces on the Data Processing Platform.


The dp-shared (main) and dp-shared-p (for processing scripts) namespaces host the first persistent SDP deployment, which is used for manual testing, experimenting, and scheduled testing. It runs with two subarray devices, the first one used for scheduled tests, while the second can be used for manual runs.

Schedules run once every hour on the master branch (See Persistent SDP (DP Platform) schedule) and they execute the visibility receive test only.


The sdp-integration (main) and sdp-integration-p (for processing scripts) namespaces host the Integration deployment of SDP. This deployment is upgraded everytime new code is merged to the master branch of the sdp-integration repository.

This allows for continuous integration of new code into a running system.


The sdp-staging (main) and sdp-staging-p (for processing scripts) namespaces host the Staging deployment of SDP. This deployment is upgraded everytime the SDP helm chart is released with a new tag.

This allows for continuous deployment of new code into a running system.

Eventually, we may merge this deployment with the one in dp-shared and use that as our staging environment, which can be accessed by users, as well as the GitLab CI pipeline.